Success through a positive mental attitude

Are there really secret ingredients to attaining success in life? And can your mental attitude really affect your level of success?

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These questions and similar ones are explicitly dealt with in the phenomenal, motivational classic – Success through a Positive Mental Attitude – by Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone.

The book sets out to reveal how the mind and brain can be applied to harness the thoughts, ideas, and emotions in order to obtain outstanding success and lasting wealth. In short, the book aims to show how to turn a Negative Mental Attitude (NMA) into a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) in order to achieve remarkable success – whatever success means to you.

Unequivocally, the book accomplished its objectives and fulfilled its promise. In the nutshell, the book contains success principles from Think and Grow Rich and The Law of Success, both of which are the outcome of about two decades of study of over 500 successful individuals in history (individuals in the caliber of Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller, and so forth). In addition, the book presents endless motivating testimonies of individuals whose lives have been transformed by reading it. One good example of such individuals is Og Mandino who, once was “nearly penniless, and with no guidance”, rose to become the president of two successful corporations as well as the author of six books, one of them being, The Greatest Salesman in the World, a runaway best-selling book.

No matter how remarkable a book is, it obviously isn’t more remarkable than its author(s). And I believe the case is true for this one. Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone are monumental figures of outstanding achievements whose lives oozed success. Napoleon Hill was a successful writer, motivational speaker, attorney, and teacher of success principles. His book, Think and Grow Rich, which was published in 1937, is still one of the best personal development books of all times. He was also an adviser to USA presidents – Franklin Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. The co-author, W. Clement Stone was a self-made millionaire, author and philanthropists. He was founder of Combined Insurance Company of America, AON, and Religious Heritage of America.

Apart from the fact that the book is written in a friendly tone, it is filled with numerous stories of ordinary people who achieved extraordinary success in spite of the obstacles they had faced. Not only are those stories laid out in the book, but they are also dissected to clearly illustrate the success principles applied by the individuals; this way a potential reader can pick up the same principles and apply them. Personally, I found those stories very motivational and ,in fact, they happen to be my favorite portions of the book since I could relate well with most of them. (And I am sure you’ll relate well with those motivational stories as well.) After reading the book several times, I was able to pick up self-motivators and positive affirmations which I apply in my daily life to keep myself motivated.

If you are looking to change your life by changing your mental attitude; or you want to develop success habits to enable you achieve your desires, I strongly recommend this book to you. It has helped millions of people achieve their desired success and it will definitely do the same for you.

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Take action:
If you are looking to change your life by changing your mental attitude; or you want to develop success habits to enable you achieve your desires, get a copy of Success through a Positive Mental Attitude.



To your success!