“Everyone is a leader because everyone influences someone.” John Maxwell.
No matter who you are, the job title you hold, your position in your family, etc… you have leadership potential inside of you. Today’s blog is a compilation of 7 books that’ll help sharpen your leadership skills. And yes, books can be used to instill a source of leadership that can help you achieve heights you haven’t imagined. They are not just about leadership but are very motivational too and give you ideas on how to bring upon new ideas that transform you.
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1. 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow them and People will Follow you by John C. Maxwell
This is by the author who brought you 21 Laws of Leadership some 10 years ago. He says that during those 10 years he has been teaching these 21 laws all over the world. While he taught he gained some new insights, which came into this new book. This one has a foreword from our favorite motivational habit changer Stephen R Covey.
Grab a copy of 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
2. Leaders eat last by Simon Sinek
Imagine a world where everyone is happy, goes to work happily and works together in a team like an environment. Well, this is not fake as many incredible organizations have this culture and are creating remarkable things. Mr. Sinek here, paints a picture about these organization in incredible prose and also gives tips on how you could end up with organizations like these.
Grab a copy of Leaders eat last
3. Spirit of Leadership by Dr. Myles A. Munroe
Leaders can be found anywhere, from schools, corporate boardrooms to parliaments. This book though helps you one in yourself. Dr. Myles is an expert motivational speaker and educator, so you should take his words seriously.
Grab a copy of Spirit of Leadership
4. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni
The enthralling fable is about the world of teams and is also a sequel to other bestsellers from Mr. Patrick Lencioni. The author of Five Temptations of CEO and the Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive flawlessly writes a tale about the teams of the office world. tu
Grab a copy of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
5. Primal Leadership by Daniel Goleman
This one puts its focus on the relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership. It focuses on the role of emotional intelligence in leadership. Mr. Goleman also discusses the different styles and characteristics of leadership. It also educates on how to be a better and an effective leader.
Grab a copy of Primal Leadership
6. Developing the leader within you by John Maxwell
Oh boy! It’s John Maxwell again, and this is his most and foremost enduring book on leadership. This one uses his experiences as a pastor to convey the role of leadership, and how he was able to plunge ahead into business afterward.
Grab a copy of Developing the leader with you
7. The Truth about leadership by James M. Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner
This one tells how to be a leader in these turbulent times. It also motivates you on how to go beyond pessimistic traditions and ugly fads to become the best leader one can be.
Grab a copy of The Truth about leadership
And that’s it!
What books on leadership will make it to your list?