7 Indispensable Laws of Success

The law of universal gravitation, the laws of thermodynamics, amongst many others, are well-known laws of Physics. And in Economics we hear about the laws of demand and supply, the law of diminishing marginal returns, and the other fun laws in that domain. All these laws define foundational principles which govern phenomena occurring in their associated realms. In the realm of Success, there are 7 indispensable laws of success that determine the performance of every inhabitant of that realm.

1. Law of Belief.

This law has such a powerful effect on everybody whether or not you believe in it. It basically postulates that you can achieve virtually anything you believe. You’ve probably heard the saying, “Whatever the mind can conceive and belief, you can achieve.” That’s by Napoleon Hill. Whether or not you can accomplish something depends on your ability to believe that you actually can.

2. Law of Expectation

The law of expectation states that 85% of what you expect will essentially happen no matter what. This is another way of saying that we are our own fortune tellers. When you expect something you believe it will happen, then inherently start acting in a way that will lead to the very same outcome you previously expected. There is just no getting around it.

You can tell how much you expect something to happen by your ability to take the required actions to make it happen. That’s because you 100% believe and expect it to happen and that’s why you take actions to truly bring it to life.

3. Law of Attraction

This one essentially states that your positive or negative thoughts will attract the same type of outcome into your life. It hinges on the fact that thoughts are things and they can truly manifest in real life. Negative thoughts trigger negative events as surely as positive ones invite positive outcomes.So, if you’ve been battered by bouts of negative happenings, then perhaps it’s time to start working on your mental attitude. Doing so will change your outcome. William James, the father of modern psychology once said, ‘Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.’

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4. Law of Concentration

Have you ever wondered how come rays of sunlight passed through a lens
at a strategic position can actually ignite a piece of paper? It’s because of this one law – the power of focus and concentration.

The law of concentration represents an idea that if you focus upon something for a long period of time with persistence and consistency then you will definitely get what you desire. This is where putting all your eggs in one basket is really vital because by focusing all your effort and attention into the actualization of a goal, you will see tangle results in reasonable time.

Multi-tasking, when applied wrongly, greatly defies the law of concentration.

5. Law of substitution

Studies have shown that only one thought can dwell in the conscious mind at any point in time. And so, this law represents the process through which you can substitute the negative thoughts for positive ones so you can keep attracting positive outcomes into your life (you remember the law of attraction?).

The law directly encourages you to take charge of your subconscious mind, which is more or less your mental driver, so you can essentially take hold of your negative thoughts and convert them into positive energy and outcome in your life.

Practicing positive affirmations and positive self-talk always help in defeating those negative thoughts that rear their ugly heads in your mind.

6. Law of repetition/practice

This law is rooted in the age-old saying that practice makes perfect. While it is easier and more convenient for you to wish your way to becoming a professional speaker or writer or athlete, etc, if you don’t rehearse and practice continuously, it is almost impossible to be great at those.

Obviously, the same applies to just about any profession and anything worth doing that exists on the face of this earth. If you want to master any art and becomes great at it, you need to put in a significant amount of time
(experts say it’s a minimum of 10,000 hours) and effort practicing it . That’s how you become an expert at something.

7. Law of relaxation

Aristotle received the idea that led to the discovery of the law of gravitation while he was relaxing under an apple tree. Kekule got the hunch that gave birth to the discovery of the benzene structure during a moment of repose. And did you know that the Google idea came to its co-founder, Larry Page, while he was also reposing?

So what does relaxation have to do with ground-breaking ideas? Whenever you take a break from a challenging problem you’ve been toughing it out with, your subconscious mind still works tirelessly in the background to find creative solutions for you. That’s the beauty of relaxation – just taking sometime to ‘forget’ about that problem and then let the subconscious do its magic.

Take action now & get the 7 laws to work for you

To help with putting these laws into use, here are some recommendations.

The Laws of Success

Top 7 books on building a strong, positive mental attitude

How to double your brain power (Video)

What other laws do you think are essential to success?

To your success!