“Comparison is the thief of joy.”
This is a very important topic I feel needs to be addressed even more in this day and age of social media and microwave, instant gratification mentally. Although, comparison has it’s good side, honestly, having being a victim to the adverse side of comparison, I know how subtle and dicey it is falling into that comparison trap.
In case you missed the post on Comparison – good or bad? where I shared the interview Bibi, a multi-media content creator, be sure to check it out.
In this article I share an interview I had with Fola, host of Life Unscripted, a monthly IG show put together by @brandedforchristsrm ( IG handle) .
Some of the topics we touched on include:
- What’s the comparison trap?
- Why do we compare ourselves with others?
- What are some signs that someone is caught in the comparison trap?
- How can one avoid the comparison trap?
- Why is it important to properly tackle the comparison trap
- The good side of comparison.
“God created us all for a particular purpose and so it’s not wise trying to live someone else’s purpose/calling”
“Self awareness is one of the foundational keys to personal success.”
“See yourself as a Victor and not a victim.”
“Be comfortable under your own skin. Love yourself, accepting those things you can’t change about yourself (e.g. skin color, nationality, etc) and realize that God created you that way for a reason.”
“You are not inferior or superior to any one, you’re just unique”
To your best self!!