Why we don’t set goals

Why we don't set goals

β€œIf you don’t set goals, you can’t regret not reaching them.” ~ Yogi Berra

Have there been times when you had specific BIG dreams, but for some reason you just didn’t set out to make them happen? πŸ˜• You knew you should but you just didn’t chase the dreams.

I know what that feels like… in this video I share 4 reasons why we don’t set goals to make certain dreams come alive.

1. Not believing that the dream is possible

2. Not believing that we are worthy and deserving of the dream i.e. having a low self-image/self-esteem

3. Not knowing how to make the dream come alive

4. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear or criticism, etc😨

Do you relate with any of the above?

What other reasons come to mind why we don’t set goals to make our dreams happen?

In any case, to make our dreams come alive, we want to believe that the dream is possible; believe that we are worthy, capable and deserving of the dream; manage and overcome our fears, and surround ourselves with people who’ll help us achieve those dreams. πŸ˜ƒβ˜

Irrespective, you’ve got what it takes to make your wildest, audacious dreams come through 😌

To the fulfillment of your wildest dreams πŸ₯‚πŸ˜Š