Activity-based goals VS Result-based goals

activity vs result based goal

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” ~ Jim Rohn

Have you ever set a goal to get a particular result in the future but then that result kept eluding you? 🤔

If that’s the case, it could be that you didn’t back up the result with the right activities. In short, every result we are looking to achieve requires a set of activities i.e. the output we get is based on the input we enter into the process channel. 🙂

And that’s why having activity-based goals is very effective. ☝

And so if you are ever unhappy about the result you are getting in any area (career, job search , finance, etc), just check to see what activities/effort you are putting in. 👌 Invariably, it’s the case that your effort or strategy isn’t sufficient enough yet to birth the result you want. Once you find the mix of effort and strategy, you’ll definitely make the result/goal a reality.


Irrespective, I want you to know that you’re capable of achieving any result/goal you set your heart and mind on.
