Your hero’s journey. Will you answer the call?

your hero's journey

“Each one of us has a call/prompting to get started on that hero’s journey aka life’s purpose/mission. How we respond to it determines a lot about our legacy and contribution to the world.”

Do you know what adventure movies like Harry Potter, Lord of the rings, Spider man (even Shriek 😄) , all have in common ? 🤔

So they are all based on this center theme of the hero’s journey . In the hero’s journey, the main character accepts a call to embark on an adventurous quest to redeem his/her people or maybe even mankind, depending on the storyline. Mostly, the journey is plagued with lots of obstacles that tries to keep the hero from getting to the final destination. 😔

One good part of the journey is that the hero usually enlists a team/group of folks who supports him along the way, hence making it easier. And at the end of it all, they fulfill the quest and save the day (and maybe even lived happy ever after ❤️….😏 Again depending on the storyline ).

To a very huge degree, that kind of sounds like our own story here on Earth. Each one of us has a call/prompting to get started on that hero’s journey aka life’s purpose/mission. How we respond to it determines a lot about our legacy and contribution to the world. ☝️

Surely, it’s not going to be an easy journey but it will be worth it. The good thing is that we’ll get support from the right people to assist on that journey. But that won’t come until we commit to start out on it 💯.

The end result of embarking on that hero’s journey is usually fulfillment and a whole lot of satisfaction 😌

You were put here on earth for a purpose; to bring impact/+ve contributions to the world but unless you decide to answer that call , who knows, that may not happen.

What can you beginning doing to answer positively to that calling /mission on your life… to set out on your hero’s journey ? 😊

Answer the calling and go all in. You’ll make it by God’s grace 🙏

To your hero’s journey 🥂