Eat the dessert first

Eat the dessert first

“life is too short and unpredictable so eat the dessert first…”


You know how when you go to a buffet πŸ˜‹ you have the opportunity to eat 3 different kinds of meals viz: appetizers, main dish, dessert . Which of the 3 is your favorite? Be honest βœ‹οΈπŸ™‚. (Tbh sometimes the ice cream 🍦 and fruits are irresistible lol πŸ˜‹ )

It’s interesting how it’s a normal thing to save the dessert (aka the best/fav meal) for last which may or may not work out fine depending on how much room is left in your belly after munching on the 1st two πŸ˜…

Tying that to the buffet of life , I once heard someone advice, “life is too short and unpredictable so eat the dessert first” . πŸ’―

The dessert of life can be the venture or activities that would bring us joy, excitement and fulfillment… but we’ve decided to reserve them for later in life; somehow we’ve convinced ourselves that those activities are meant for last . ☹️ In doing that, could it be that we’re postponing a fulfilled & meaningful life and perhaps even our dreams? (I know what that feels like )

Meanwhile, the truth is we don’t even know when that later time in life will be. And we don’t know when our last moment here would be … so why keep the dessert of life for last ? πŸ€”

Perhaps it’s time to make a commitment to begin working on that business idea, that album, that book (let’s talk about this if you need help getting started😊), that trip/adventure, etc. Whatever that thing is that’ll light you up and draw you closer to those sweet dreams of yours… that’s the dessert of life I’m referring to 😊 .

What are those activities/venture that you’ve been sitting on, and postponing, which you know will benefit you immensely? πŸ™‚

Now is the time ⏲️