What are you core values?

core values help guide our decision making and hence the course of our lives. Core values!! What are they and how valuable are they? 🤔 One thing is certain… core values help guide our decision making and hence the course of our lives.(we’re make decisions virtually everyday right?) Without recognizing and sticking to our core READ MORE

Eat the dessert first

“life is too short and unpredictable so eat the dessert first…” Anonymous You know how when you go to a buffet 😋 you have the opportunity to eat 3 different kinds of meals viz: appetizers, main dish, dessert . Which of the 3 is your favorite? Be honest ✋️🙂. (Tbh sometimes the ice cream 🍦 READ MORE

Slow down to go fast

Clearly we can’t control what happens to us, but we can control how we respond to it. There’s this notion that everyone has to be ‘always-on’; it’s the ‘go-go-go’ mentality that leaves no room to slow down especially to reflect on and process what’s happening . I had subscribed to that notion at some point READ MORE

Exploring your passions [for purpose]

“if you can’t figure out your purpose then figure out your passion as your passion will lead to your purpose” ~ T. D. Jakes What are you passionate about? What activities do you do that simply just light you up? 😃 If you had asked me these questions sometime ago honestly it usually took me READ MORE