The story behind the book – “Be A High Achiever: Achieving All-round Success in College & University “

“Our most important legacy will be the contributions we make to the lives of other human beings.” ~~ Thomas Kinkade

Behind every significant/worthy endeavor lies a story. I just recently launched my first book “Be A High Achiever: Achieving All-round Success in College & University” and thought to share the behind the scenes that birth the book.

Some background

At university, I spent approximately 3.5 yrs (officially) mentoring students through a program I’d signed up for on campus. My interactions with the students involved helping them to create goals and devising strategies for them to accomplish those goals. It was always rewarding to hear their success stories afterwards. This experience intimated me with struggles and problems which students go through, a couple of which I had overcome and helped others with as well.

Giving back to community and being a blessing…

After graduating from university with great distinction, I sought a way to help contribute to students’ success and figured out that writing a book, at least, was a good start which would enable me reach a wider audience. And that was how the book project kicked off. 

Following that, I had to survey a couple college and university students to find out their struggles, fears and dreams regarding their student life. And it was their responses that became my guidelines in writing my recently published book – Be A High Achiever: Achieving All-round Success in College & University .

Summary of book’s content …

The book contains success tips from my experiences as a student as well as those of some other high-achieving students aimed to benefit current and future students at colleges and universities. These tips range from planning a successful school journey to selecting the right courses and program, setting SMART goals and formulating plans to bring the goals to fruition, maintaining balance at school, getting involved in coop/internship and among many other tips that will enable students achieve success in the major areas of their school life and get them ready for the next phase of life after graduation. Just about the major topics revolving around student life.

I feel very privileged having to share my university experiences especially because I had many blessings back then (and now also, of course)  – the scholarships, awards and recognitions, the hard times that strengthened me, the lovely people I’d met – professors included, et al (good Lord!)

What you share multiplies and what you withhold diminishes. That statement, I believe, is a source of motivation that will propel us to act on contributing toward the causes we believe in and to make a lasting impact in the world around us. Truly, you and I were engineered not to consume only, but to also create and contribute.

So, what will you contribute towards?

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