7 good-reads on career advancement (2019)

Whether you’re just starting out on a new career, or you’ve been on your way there for a while, here are some good-reads that’s reveal some groundbreaking ideas that could skyrocket you to the next level in your career.

1. So Good They Can’t Ignore You

Is it always the case that you should follow your passion especially when job-hunting? Cal Newport, the author of this book, doesn’t quite agree with that notion. According to him, passion comes after you’ve applied diligence to something worth doing and produced solid result.

2. Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead

Facebook’s COO, Sheryl Sandberg, wrote this remarkable book to nudge women to rise up to leadership roles in the corporate world. Coupled with ample statistics, personal anecdotes, and research, she lays out reasons why women tend to be leaning back in the workplace and how that can be tackled so they can thrive within and outside of the workplace.

3. Leave Your Mark

If you’re just starting off a new career or you’re already on the track, but you would like to develop and promote your personal brand in the workplace, then here’s a book for you. Alizia Licht, a global fashion communication executive, has nuggets for you on how to do that while also building a solid self-concept.

4. Get Paid More and Promoted Faster

In this book, Brian Tracy, reveals easy-to-apply strategies on how to get what you want at your current promotion; be it a promotion, increase pay, more credibility and respect from your manager/co-workers, etc. He emphasizes the importance of discipline and determination in achieving your career and personal goals. This, of course, will ultimately result in your fulfillment and satisfaction.

5. The Third Door

Here’s the story of a 18 year-old who was able to track down and interview some of the most successful people (e.g. Bill Gates, Lady Gaga, Tim Ferris, etc) out there to learn about their successes in life. The first and second doors are usually reserved for a few special people, leaving out the rest of the crowd. Meanwhile, there’s always a 3rd door which can be hard and even impossible to uncover but not for the author of this book Alex Banayan. Find out what the 3rd door is.

6. Strengths Finder 2.0

Do you feel you spend more time and effort trying to fix your weaknesses instead of improving your strength? If that’s you, here’s a book you want to get your hands on. Tom Rath, in this book, shows how you can discover your talents and develop your strengths,. Yes, even the hidden ones.

7. Getting Ahead

With more than 2 decades of coaching top executives and employees at some of the big companies in the world, Joel Garfinkle, has distilled his secret formula for career success into 3 simple things: Perception, Visibility and Influence.

More on how you can leverage the PVI model, to label yourself as a valuable asset at your workplace, can be found in this book.

To your career advancement!!

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