How well do you know yourself?

What if I told you that your personality/character type plays a key role in determining your actions, your motive (why you do what you do), your relationships (personal and professional) as well as major decisions you make (e.g. choice of occupation). And so, gaining insight into your character/personality type can be a life saver.

For the past couple of weeks now, one of my coaches has been educating and filling me in on idea from this writing Character Code which has unveiled to me more of my true self. He was able to explain to me reasons for certain behaviors I was exhibiting, some of which were self-sabotaging; I knew something wasn’t right but I just didn’t know what that was. But thankfully, with a good grasp of my personality/character code, I now understand and appreciate myself more and it’s engendered positive outcome.

So, I’ve decided to share the core pillars of the Character Code/People Code in the article. Hopefully, you’ll find gems in here to take make some tweaks in your life.

In the nutshell, the Character Code idea is a 4-color code personality profile which depicts why people do what they do and how they can leverage their personality type to enhance their life. Everyone falls into one the 4 personality types.

And here’re the 4 personality types, strengths, and limitations.

Red (power freaks)

Individuals in this category love exerting power and taking massive actions. They usually have a clear vision and are driven by accomplishments and the future. As someone once said, they’re the movers and shakers in society.

Strengths: include being logical, analytical, goal-oriented; possessing leadership and entrepreneurship spirit.

Limitations: they can be harsh, unsentimental, domineering. They’re usually the kind of people who’d prioritize close relationships over work, for example.

You find the Reds amongst the entrepreneurs, real estate agents, sales people, doctors, etc.

Blue (intimacy-driven)

The Blues are usually the kind of people anyone wants to have around because they’re very relationship-focused. They derive lots of fulfillment helping others and that to them is what purpose is about.

Strengths: obsessed with quality and doing the best. Self-discipline, detail-oriented, caring.

Limitations: they tend to be self-righteous, perfectionistic, insecure, judgmental (especially to themselves); they’re quick to see the best in others but not in themselves.

Blues tend to become teachers, ministers/pastors, nurses, librarians.

White (peace-makers)

Just as the white flag, the White stand for peace. Because they love to maintain peace with everyone, they avoid confrontation as much as possible.

Strengths: patient, diplomatic, highly tolerant, logical.

Limitations: can be less motivated by goals, not very good at resolving conflicts and not the best team players.

You’ll find the Whites in the midsts of dentists, truck drivers, veterinarians, nurses.

Yellow (fun-lovers)

Everyone loves to have fun but not as the Yellows because that’s what they’re branded for. They know what they love to do and always find ways to make it happen.

Strengths: Optimism, enthusiasm, persuasive, creative and motivating.

Limitations: self-centered, surface-level relationships.

Firefighters, life guards, tour guards, actors are typical Yellows

With a knowledge of the personality types, you can capitalize on your strengths then work to improve on your limitations. At the end of it all everyone has to take responsibilities to make the required changes to move ahead in life.

One thing worth noting is the fact that an individual can possess a mix of these personality types with one being primary and the other secondary . For example, I am primarily Blue and secondarily Red.

To find out what you personality color code is here’s the color code quiz to take.

Self-awareness is the starting point to self-mastery. Therefore, having an understanding of your personality type intimates you with what motives. Hence, you’ll have a clearer picture of the real you so you can become the person you want to be.

For more on the color code personality type, be sure to check out Character Code/People Code

To your amazing character and personality!!

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