The Courage to Change Everything

“Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the capacity to continue despite of them, no matter how great or overwhelming they may be.” ~~ Robert Mann

Are you ready
to see the Unseeable,
Know the Unknowable
And do the Impossible?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of those, then Ken D. Foster has something for you. In his book, “The Courage To Change Everything“, Ken D. Foster takes you through an introspective journey of how you can tap into your inner genius to build courage to become what you’ve been created for.

Book’s objective

The main aim of the book is to get the readers to develop more courage. And this all begin by clearing any limiting beliefs that may be in the way of manifesting their full potential. To achieve this, the book presents powerful questions to get them looking inward. This way they can provide honest responses to them from the stuck state them may be into where they could be. Using thought-provoking quotes and reflective questions and instructive words, I believe the book met its objectives.

About the author

Ken D. Foster is an author, speaker, coaches’ coach, radio show host, podcaster (The Voices of Courage) and the title goes on. His brands are on a mission to “inspire Greatness in our Listeners by helping them Grow their Businesses and Lives by Seeing the Unseeable, Knowing the Unknowable and Doing the Impossible.” Ken has written a number of books including: Ask and You Will Succeed, The Time Factor ; amongst the other. And not surprisingly he’s also a bestselling author. Being well-rounded, Ken isn’t just a rock star at business, he’s also got other interest/hobbies such as taking part in triathlons, snow skiing, hiking, yoga, meditation, studying the scriptures, and continually learning (just as any leader). He’s also a founder of the San Diego Professional Coach Alliance and The Stars of Courage including Shared Vision Network which co-founded with his wife. 

“If you’re not tapping into your courage, you’re not utilizing your God-given power to master your life.” ~~ Ken D. Foster

Lesson Learnt

Honestly, this is a very unique book on its own. In fact, I consider it more of a meditative and introspective book that’s completely focused on transforming the readers. Each short chapter ends with questions and an action step which the author strongly recommends the reader pauses to follow through on as that’s the only way to get the most from the book. (I’ve learnt to be not an informative reader but a transformative reader and this book re-affirms that.) A great take-away from the book which I’ve added to my daily routine is the set of questions to ask in the morning and at night.

As part of my morning routine I ask myself the questions for the day (‘if I were courage, what will I do today?’), then reflect on them then write out my responses which I strive to take action on. And before reposing I ask myself: what’s one courageous thought that hit me”, What worked, what didn’t and how will I improve on that tomorrow? (I confess there’ve been days when I got stuck trying to provide a response but I am working to make it a habit.) This has really helped me to be more conscious of my progress each day.

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Take action

So, if you’re looking to get into a journey to develop your courage and to unleash the God-given power that’s dormant inside of you, then check out “The Courage To Change Everything

“Courage is the birthplace of wisdom, happiness and success.” ~~ Ken D. Foster

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To your courage!