Morning routine that’ll set you up to conquer the day

Image from Pixabay

The attitude with which we wake up in the morning determines to a huge degree how well we go through the day. Someone once remarked that the morning is the rudder of the day. And I believe that.

That’s no wonder personal success experts strongly recommend maintaining an empowering morning routine. This is the premise of the S.A.V.E.R.S from the Miracle Morning book by Hal Elrod. This same practice and taught by the caliber of Oprah, Brian Tracy, Ed Mylett, Jack Canfield et al. And I remember Tony Robbin once recommend that when you encounter a successful person, learn to find out what routines/rituals they practice. That’s because our routine produces the results in our lives.

In this article I share some key activities which most successful people do to help them win the day:

0. Decide the night before that you’ll wake up excited and upbeat

Yes, it’s #0. That’s not a typo! It’s numbered #0 because that comes first to make the others effective, I believe. Why is that? Have you noticed that the mindset or emotion you went to bed with the night before tends to be the same one your experience the next morning? If you went to bed with excitement about the next day, affirming that it would be awesome, almost invariably you’ll feel fired up when you wake up . Sadly, the reverse is the case. (You relate with that?)

And so before going to bed, get yourself fired up and expectant about the next day. You may even have some fascinating dreams that you can’t wait to get up from bed to begin living out your dream. (How lovely!)

the mindset or emotion you went to bed with the night before tends to be the same one your experience the next morning

1. Spend time to meditate

Scientifically speaking, meditation has enormous benefits to our mental health more than we can ever think (I can attest to this for sure as it’s changed my life). This can take various forms – prayers, breathing exercise, etc. With the thousands of thoughts that dart through our minds like a ping pong ball, meditation helps to quiet the mind, shuts it off from the distractions around us and opens us up to receive inspiration.

If you feel stressed out and experience tightened chest often then consider spending even as little as 10-15 minutes meditating and how much relief you witness.

meditation helps to quiet the mind

2. Remind yourself of things you’re grateful for

Gratitude is the answer!

Many times we feel saddened, thinking about what we don’t because we fail to count how much blessings we’re enjoying at the moment. We live in the past and in the future more than we do in the present and so we lose our joy and hope especially because we always have expectations. Expectations about our future; expectations about others. And when things don’t go as expected we lose it. This is not a peaceful way to live (I know how it feels). Perhaps that’s why Tony Robbins once said, “Trade your expectations for appreciation, and your whole life changes.”

Just notice what happens when you pause to think deeply about what you have working for you, the gift of life, good health, loving family and friends, food to eat, house to live in, source of livelihood,…etc (you’ve got something working in your favor to be thankful for).

I’m sure deep down in your heart doing this will hopefully lift up and refresh your spirit . And there’s no better way to feel in the morning than this way.

Trade your expectations for appreciation, and your whole life changes.” ~ Tony Robbins

3. Affirm what you want

How do you feel when someone says something nice to you, such as – ‘You are amazing, I really admire you’. Or ‘You’re such an intelligent person.’ Or ‘You have such a brilliant smile.’ Or ‘I love you.’

Feels good eh?

The truth is just hearing someone make such nice remarks to someone else makes you feel good. And you’ll feel even great about yourself when such remarks are directed to you. But guess what? You don’t have to wait for someone to speak kind and empowering words to you because you can do it yourself and experience similar elation. (You’re your best cheerleader 🙂 ).

For me, the time for my affirmations is one of my best times in the morning because of the inner peace, boldness and power I feel after I’m done.

Confess what you want about yourself and your life’s situation and see what happens. Remember, there’s power in your words!

You’re your best cheerleader

4. Resolve to have the best day

We’re the prophets of our lives. Have you noticed that? How you see yourself or think about yourself usually reflects what happens to you. And so if you want your day to be awesome, how about resolve that you’ll have a remarkable day and accomplish all you set out to do. Expectation determines manifestation .

So if you want to have a great day, see yourself at your best and decide you’ll crush the day!

Expectation determines manifestation .

5. Exercise

I know the first thing that come to mind is workout and yes, that’s part of it. There’s nothing as refreshing as getting that endorphin rush in the morning – SO GOOD!!!

Doing some quick exercise such as sit up, pull up, push up (and any other …ups you know) , jumping jack, etc. Anything that gets your blood flowing will help get you alert and active.

What physical exercise is to the body, reading and thinking are to the mind, so devoting time to reading or listening to something motivational and positive helps raise your mood and spirit. And you sharpen your mental faculty spending time to think and strategize your plans for the day like you’re boss over the day because indeed you’re in charge of your time and day!

What physical exercise is to the body, reading and thinking are to the mind

For more on powerful, helpful daily routines , be sure to check out The 6 Life S.A.V.E.R.S: practices to transform your life , The daily habits of the elite performers .

What morning routines get you fired up for the day?

To conquering your day!