Quarterly check-in (How’s 2022 so far?)

“The cool thing about reflection is that it helps to extract insights from our past experiences“ It’s 2nd half of 2022… how is the year going so far for you ? 🙂 We may not be able to do anything about the 1st half that’s all gone but we surely can do something about the READ MORE

Habits of highly effective and successful students

Image credited to https://unsplash.com/photos/Q_Sei-TqSlc Maintaining all-round success at school never happens by chance. It is usually the result of consistently carrying out series of actions which later become habits. From my observations so far, I’ve discovered that highly effective students possess winning habits that are supportive of their academic career success. Do you care to READ MORE

Morning routine that’ll set you up to conquer the day

Image from Pixabay The attitude with which we wake up in the morning determines to a huge degree how well we go through the day. Someone once remarked that the morning is the rudder of the day. And I believe that. That’s no wonder personal success experts strongly recommend maintaining an empowering morning routine. This READ MORE

How to have a good start into 2021…

Image credit https://pixabay.com/illustrations/road-new-year-2021-city-buildings-5799603/ The year 2020 has folded off and surely, everyone’s tied up the shoelaces ready to sprint into 2021. In the course of preparing for the new year, I’ve been consuming contents by top success experts such as Brian Tracy, Gary Keller, Hal Elrod, etc. I’ve garnered some tactics to help set me READ MORE