Top brain foods you don’t want to miss out on

“Like an expensive car, your brain functions best when it gets only premium fuel.” ~~ Dr. Eva Selhub

Did you know that the food you eat impacts the performance of your brain? That’s were the saying that you’re what you eat applies. In his book, Limitless, brain coach and expert, Jim Kwik some of his best brain meals that helps keep his brain sharp and quick (‘kwik’).

In this article, I share his top 10 brain foods laid out in the book.

1. Walnuts

These contain antioxidants and vitamin E that keeps the brain from aging; plus it contains elements that assists with maintaining a good mood.

2. Avocados

Your brain flourishes when it’s bathed in nutrients from high quality food saturated in your bloodstream. Avocadoes are known to provide monounsaturated fat that assist with maintaining healthy blood flow.

3. Blueberries

Blueberries help keep your memory active and sharp; they’re also known to defend your brain from oxidative stress.

4. Broccoli

A very good source of vitamin K which boosts the cognitive functioning and memory.

5. Dark chocolate

In case you don’t know this: the darker the chocolate, the less sugar is in it. Chocolate contain flavonoids which help with cognitive functioning. Also, chocolate improves concentration and incites endorphins (which produce that feeling of exhalation and excitement).

(I loveeeee chocolate!! 🙂 )

6. Eggs

Highly enriched in omega3, eggs help with memory improvement and ramping the brain’s performance. (I love eggs and munch at least 1 per day 🙂 )

7. Green leafy vegetables

The greener the vegetable, the higher the chlorophyll content in it. They are rich in vitamin E which protects the brain from aging.

8. Fish (salmon, sardines, cavier)

Like eggs which are rich in omega3, cut down the effect of brain aging.

9. Turmeric

It increases the brain’s oxygen intake (which is really very key for circulation). Also, minimizes inflammation and cognitive decay.

10. Water

Water helps avoid dehydration which can cause brain fatigue/fog, seeing that the brain is 80 % water. (imagine what happens when you take a fish out from water) . In short, it helps keep your brain healthy and sharp.

After learning about these from Jim’s, I quickly added as much as I could to my diet immediate. I remember heading to the grocery store the same week and gathering walnuts which I eat although the week and my brain got happier.

I hope this helps your brain stay happy and healthy.

To your healthy, sharp, big brain!!!