Overcoming your biggest fears (tips that have helped me)

overcoming your biggest fears

(Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay)

Who’s ready to get rid of fears????

(My two hands are up plus my feet too πŸ™‚ )


I had posted a series of articles around fear ( Fear-less (Part 1): Why we feel fear-ful , Fear-less (Part 2): Overcoming your fears ) , and so I thought to wrap up this series with this video I’d posted on IG.

In the video, I basically shared 4 things that have helped me with overcoming my fears and how I continue to apply them to my new fears I face.

4 action steps that I have been able to successfully manage my fears:

1. I had to change the story I told myself (about me)
2. I tame my thoughts (my Automatic Negative Thoughts, ANTs for short)
3. I do it afraid (this is what courage is about)
4. I surrender to a Greater power (for me that’s God)

Don’t get me wrong, we’re always going to have fears as we attempt to do new things. And so I believe we then ought to devise ways to manage our fears and not simply pray that we never face them at all πŸ˜‘

After being paralyzed and control by my fears for a long time I got fed up 😀😑and was determined to learn to successfully manage and control my fears πŸ’ͺ. I am so glad about the way things have panned out with thatπŸ˜ƒ .

I hope this tips help you to overcome/manage your fears too so they don’t hold you back from being the best version of yourself.

To your victory over your biggest fears!!