What is Success?

What is success

“Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure.” ~ Tony Robbins

Have you ever thought about what success truly means to you? 🤔

And would you say you’re living your own definition of success or that of someone else?

I don’t know about you but for a very long time I had lived without having defined what true success meant to me. And as you’d imagine what the outcome of that was. Yea! You got it right. Not cool! I lived like this for a while until life became somewhat unbearably miserable. This was especially after I got wrapped up in the web of comparison and had my joy stolen uncountable times that I thought it was part of life. And, oh boy, I was robbed of lots of joy and happiness simply because I wasn’t living the success that was by my own definition and choosing. Thank God I got past that phase in life and now I’ve got my own definition of success which I strive to live by and plan to stick to 🙂 .

In the video, I share about my struggle in this area along with 3 main things that I learnt from my quest to find out what true success is. Oh and I mentioned my own definition of success 🙂

“Purpose is the key to success.” ~~ Dr. Myles Munroe

So, personally what is success to you? (I’d love to hear from you 🙂 )

To the discovery and fulfillment of your own true success!