“I will be happy when I…” syndrome

I will be happy when I syndrome

image from Canva

“People are just as happy as they make up their mind.” ~~ Abraham Lincoln

Have you found yourself repeating statements beginning with “I will be happy when I …” ?

Whether that is …

I will be happy when I graduate college/university’ πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“ or

‘I will be happy when I land a dream job’ πŸ‘¨β€βš•οΈor

‘I will be happy when I find true love’ πŸ₯° or

‘I will happy when I buy my dream car’ or

‘I will be happy when I make my first million’ etc

If that’s the case, then maybe you’re suffering for the infamous “I’ll be happy when I…” syndrome. And I completely can relate to that 100% because I know exactly how that feels.

In other words, you are waiting for some event to occur in the future thinking that it will bring you incessant joy/happiness. And so you delay feeling happy or joyful now. πŸ˜‘ This can actually be a recipe for a miserable life , sadly πŸ˜₯ and I know how that feels as I had lived like that for a while.

In this video, I share some of my experiences with this syndrome and what I continue to do to overcome it. I hope it helps someone who’s currently battling with this “I will be happy when I…” syndrome πŸ™‚

“The journey is part of the process…”

“Enjoy where you are now while you work hard towards where you want to be.”

How do you manage/overcome this. infamous syndrome?

To your victory over this infamous syndrome πŸ₯‚