Quarterly check-in (How’s 2022 so far?)

quarterly check-in

The cool thing about reflection is that it helps to extract insights from our past experiences

It’s 2nd half of 2022… how is the year going so far for you ? 🙂

We may not be able to do anything about the 1st half that’s all gone but we surely can do something about the next half . The starting point for this , i believe, is reflecting on the 1st half that just passed👌.

The cool thing about reflection is that it helps to extract insights from our past experiences 💯 (I learnt this from John Maxwell and it’s so true 😀)

So looking at the 1st half, with your 2022 goals in mind, here are 3 starter questions to consider reflecting on…
1. What’s working so far?
2. What’s not working ?
3. What do I need to do differently?

(More descriptions in the video 🙂)

After pulling the observations from those questions, then it’s time to incorporate those to the plans for the remaining part of 2022.

Also, what new habits do you need to form that’ll draw you closer to those remaining goals? And what new communities do you need to join to help you get to those goals even faster ? 🤔

Let’s gooooo!! 🏃‍♂️

To ending 2022 stronger 💪 🥂