Finding your possibility model(s)

finding your possibility model(s)

“I’ve learnt that in the course of pursuing a dream/goal, instead of hustling to find the ‘how-to’, finding the ‘who’ (i.e. who has done it before) will save us more time and effort.”

Have you ever heard of the term ‘possibility model’ ? πŸ€”

Looking at the story behind many incredible feats and successes out there, there was someone who inspired another person and got them to say, ” if he/she can do it, then I can do it”. πŸ™Œ That’s exactly what a possibility model does .

I share 3 good examples in the video of possibility models.

What does this mean for you and I? Well, what it means is that, thinking about that wild, audacious dream or goal that’s burning in our heart, if we can find someone who’s done it, then we can believe and convince ourselves that it’s possible. πŸ’― And once we believe it’s possible, we’ll do whatever it takes to make it happen…. (that’s just human potential for you ) πŸ™‚It’s when we don’t believe it is possible that we don’t even bother to pursue or make any effort ,towards it , right? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

I’ve learnt that in the course of pursuing a dream/goal, instead of hustling to find the ‘how-to’, finding the ‘who’ (i.e. who has done it before) will save us more time and effort. ☝️

That’s said, considering that BIG dream/goal in your heart, who can you identify as a possibility model that’ll inspire you to say, ‘if he/she can do it, then I can do it’ … ? πŸ‘Œ

With all that, I believe God willing that you’ll achieve all those audacious dreams and goals as you find your possibility model(s).

To your audacious dreams/goals πŸ₯‚