Ask for help

ask for help

“Ask for help not because you are weak but because you want to remain strong. Ask for help and don’t stop until you get it.” ~ Les Brown

What do you think about asking for help? πŸ€”

Nothing wrong with that? Or those who ask for help don’t know stuffs and are no good?

There’s been this notion in society that if you ask for help it means you’re dump and no good πŸ˜‘

Sadly this seemed to have been enclosed in my head that I acted along. For that reason I had a very hard time asking for help because I didn’t want to be labelled as dumb or weak or no-good… ☹️

As you’d imagine the outcome wasn’t pleasant at all . I ended up struggling unnecessarily in certain areas, getting stuck at various times and feeling helpless trying to do things just by myself.

Thankfully, i got liberated from that incorrect programming after experiencing firsthand the benefits of receiving help from others. ☺️

I believe that asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness but strength πŸ’ͺ. Sometimes it takes courage to open up, get vulnerable and ask for help. (Vulnerability is a sign for deep strength) This is obviously better than keeping quiet while suffering in silence πŸ˜”

It was Les Brown who once advised, ” Ask for help not because you are weak but because you want to remain strong. Ask for help and don’t stop until you get it.” πŸ’―

That said, is there an area in your life where you feel stuck and helpless even having tried to do it on your own yet no progress? Perhaps it’s time to get vulnerable, open up to ask for help so you stop suffering in silence ☺️

People are more than happy to help than you think (at least from my experience)😊

After all no one is an island and no one knows it all ( right? )

Praying you get ALL the help you require to make it πŸ™ (and don’t forget to ask for help from God πŸ™)