Discover & develop your strengths

discover & develop your strengths

“Work on your strengths until your weaknesses become irrelevant.” ~ John C. Maxwell

When was the last time you heard someone advice you to discover or develop your strengths? đŸ’Ē But how many times do you hear folks say, “work on your weaknesses” ?

1 Million times , right?

That’s no wonder one would focus so much on what one isn’t good at that one begins to feel inferior, not good enough or not gifted or talent enough 😕 . At least that was my story at some point . Until I learnt about the power of focus i.e. what we focus on , we multiply/reinforce ; meaning that if I focus on my strengths, I will invariably reinforce and enhance them. 🙌 On the otherhand, if I focus only on my weaknesses then… you got it! I may as well be the one multiplying them ☚ī¸.

This was a light bulb moment 💡 for me that led me to become obsessed about discovering and developing my strengths đŸ’Ē. My life has not been the same after that 😄

It was John Maxwell who once advised, “work on your strengths until your weaknesses become irrelevant.” (Now that’s a huge bomb word 🙌😍 đŸ’¯). Completely makes lots of sense .

When you discover , develop and deploy your strengths (I.e. our gifts/talents, special abilities), those things you are good at and you enjoy doing , you derive a boost in your sense of value, self-respect, and self-confidence. You now see that indeed you have something valuable to offer to the world. As Scriptures say, “a man’s gift will make room for him and bring him before great men.” (Proverbs 18:16) 🤟

Now that’s what happens when we discover, develop, deploy our strengths 😎

(More on this in the video 😊)

This is part of the journey to knowing thyself so that you can become the best version of yourself.

For more on this topic, be sure to check out my book – The Identity Manual woo!woo!!🙌 😎

To discovering, developing , deploying your strengths đŸĨ‚