Getting honest feedback from the “mirrors”

Getting honest feedback from the mirrors

Since we have blindspots, sometimes we are just not the best at giving that sincere & accurate feedback to ourselves.

Can you imagine what it will feel like to not have mirrorsπŸͺž? 😟 You get dressed in the morning or at some other time in preparation for an occasion but no way to get feedback on your physical appearance from mirror mirror on the wall πŸ˜„ (scary to think about eh!)

That’s how valuable it is to have a mirror which give us feedback on how we look on the outside. And you know what? The feedback from the mirror is πŸ’― candid, brutally honest and accurate (ignore it at your own risk πŸ˜„ )

But that’s all the mirror can do…it can’t give us feedback on our behaviors, attitude, characteristics, etc all those non-tangible aspects of our lives. That’s where it becomes very essential that we have some other kind of “mirrors” in our lives. And by that I am referring to people who can give us candid and honest feedback; these are people who care for us and want the best for us, and also know us ok.

Since we have blindspots, sometimes we are just not the best at giving that sincere & accurate feedback to ourselves. We can also be our worst critics sometimes so that’s another reason …( i know how this one feels 🀚)

Getting honest, sincere feedback from trusted folks in our lives and acting accordingly is how we grow and become better versions of ourselves. We learn more about ourselves, as well as get insights into areas we can improve on. πŸ‘Œ

Do you have such “mirror” folks in your life? And are you a “mirror” to others as well?

It takes courage πŸ’ͺ

I touched on this area in my book “The Identity Manual” . Check it out