One big potentially disastrous question to ask

one big potentially disastrous question to ask

What we DO isn’t who we ARE. 

Do you remember being asked this question when you were still lil …

What would you like to BE when you grow up?

I am not sure what your responses were .

From what I recall, back then, I mostly told people I wanted to become an electrical-electronic engineer and even at one period a priest. 

Guess what?

I ended up becoming neither of those.

The crux of the matter isn’t whether or not I ended up doing what I imagined when I was little. I just think that the question was worded in the wrong way.

Come to think about it, what they meant actually was “what would you like to DO when you grow up?” which I believe is more appropriate.

Truth is that who we BEcome, i.e. our identity, is much more than what we do, i.e. our vocation/occupation. Those are two different entities and shouldn’t be fit into the same bucket. Trying to do so can become disastrous. 

What we DO isn’t who we ARE. 

We’ve seen many times in history when people felt like they lost themselves and had no reason to leave when they couldn’t continue doing what they had tied their identity to.

I share more on this in this video.

I would like to know what you think about this topic so feel free to email back 🙂