Personality tests (know thyself)

“…personality tests (and personality itself ) aren’t permanent … In the sense that they only give a snapshot of a person’s behaviors.“ A great way to get to understand yourself better is doing personality tests 👌 One thing I’ve found valuable about personality tests is that they explain why we do what we do I.e. READ MORE

The power of one more

“History is filled with stories of remarkable individuals who ,in spite of previous failing attempts, took one more attempt that eventually led to a breakthrough”. Lately I’ve been poring over the power of one more … I.e. taking that one more step or attempt towards that objective even when it feels like you’re giving up READ MORE

Know thyself!! (why it matters)

“Know yourself so you can accept and love yourself truly. Only then can you become confident becoming your true self” When I think about what could happen when we lose sight of and dont know who we are, I am reminded of Simba from the Lion King (Roooaaarrrr!! 🦁 ) After a major tragedy hit READ MORE

How to address your limiting beliefs

“Until we confront and tackle those limiting beliefs , they’ll continue to gain control over us and keep us stagnant” Do you have limiting beliefs? 🤔 Those thought patterns that are there to keep you stuck and deter you from making progress towards achieving your goals? The same ones that say that:– you’re not good READ MORE