Willpower Doesn’t Work

“If we do not create and control our environment, our environment creates and controls us.” Dr. Marshall Goldsmith.

Let me guess… You’ve tried your best to quit a bad habit that has beaten you down for a while. Maybe it’s smoking or drinking ,etc. Or perhaps you’ve been struggling to achieve one of your most desirable goals but you don’t seem to be making a head way.

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Book’s objective

To those ends, you may conclude that the root cause for your unaccomplishment is your lack of willpower or luck. If that’s your stance, then you definitely need to read Benjamin Hardy book titled – “Willpower Doesn’t Work” where he debunks that viewpoint.

“Willpower Doesn’t Work” aims to depict the crucial role the environment plays in building habits and behaviors even beyond the potency of willpower, which virtually everyone clings to. And of course, the book did great justice to that objective using a myriads of research studies and anecdotes.

About the author

The author has lots of credibility to have written the outstanding book. Benjamin Hardy is a bestselling author and speaker. He holds a Ph.D in organizational psychology and contributes to major platform such as Psychology Today, Inc. Hardy has built a very strong online presence and has created a number of transformative courses to help individuals to amp up their lives. He is also the author of “Slipstream Time Hacking: How to Cheat Time, Live More, And Enhance Happiness” and “How to Consciously Design Your Ideal Future” .

Lessons learnt

Personally, I enjoyed reading the book (in fact, I’ve listened to the audiobook 3 times at a streak so far) as it opened my mind to lots of things I had been oblivious to. I learnt about forcing functions, automaticity and a couple other concepts that I have applied to help me solidify positive habits and behaviors. Now I am convinced that my environment more than anything – not even my willpower – determines my behavior, habits, and actions.

Book rating from Allroundachievers.com

Take action:

So, if you’re ready to learn how to create the right environment to nurture your success then get a copy of “Willpower Doesn’t Work

To your success-inducing environment!